Monday, January 24, 2011

The magical adventures of the 11 hours of rehersal.

I had rehersal today and Saturday. I'm going to skip past the portion of Saturday where I was dancing and to where the pirates took two hours to dance. I took the opportunity to umbrella-sword fight with the guy who killed Carlos. I then proceeded to skip around and talk to Jenna. I also helped her stuff a bunch of clothes a while I shirtless guy  tried to escape. They wanted to feed him with a tube.

I then got hyper and ran around for awhile. THEN I started screaming about how puppy-sized elephants are a metaphore for life. Then I ran the rest of the show and made loud noises.


I didn't have school. So I had rehersal.

The highlight of today? ASK JENNA.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Why being a nerd is a good thing.

I mean, if someone calls you a nerd, it's like saying "You're smart!"

Just saying.

I think I'm beginning to go insane.


Okay, so the show is in two weeks, and no one is being serious. THEY WON'T SHUT UP.

Adding to my stress is the lack of sleep, the amount of work I've been given, and the fact that I have rehersal everyday.

But the one thing keeping me sane would be the Vlogbrothers.

I was reading Hunger Games, and I glanced at the back and HOLY CRAP IT'S JOHN GREEN QUOTE.

I love the Vlogbrothers.


Monday, January 17, 2011


Some mean person is hating on Jenna's blog.

I mean, they're not commenting, but they rate all her posts HORRIBLE.

Now, Jen-Jen is one of the nicest people ever in the history of the world.

I mean, she never listens to my increasingly random advice about money burrito's and stuf, but she's SO NICE.

She can't even be mean,
I've tryed to make her yell at me.
It never works.

So, go show a nice person some niceness and click the little thing that says JennaNerimonCharlieissocoollikeFredandGeorge under Kat AWESOME under Blogs I like or whatever.

While you're at it, click Kat because she promotes my blog even I nearly destroyed it because of her.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Why I hate play practice sometimes.

So remember how Carlos was sick?

And I said he was gonna die by the end of the week?

Well he died. To read this on Kat's blog, click here.

His funeral was today, because the guy who wanted to eat him killed him.

So, metaphorically, my friendship with Jenna is dead. But not really.

How did I not know this?


So Jen and Kat broke into my locker and said:

Lolz, lets leave her some food!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Nothing much to say

I haven't done anything worth talking about...but if Kat want's posts, Kat gets them.

Carlos is dying. For those who are to stupid to read one post back, they with be confused when I say:
Carlos is my pet orange, and he has been stepped on.

His funeral is Friday. If you wish to cry, you may say something in comments.


Monday, January 10, 2011

This is so sad.

There is something WRONG with my mind. Because I cant go one day without blogger. Unless I run out of creative.

But anyway.


Carlos is my pet orange. Well, he's Jenna's too.

It's a long story, but to make it short:

He has magic power.

He has fallen on the floor.

I nearly broke a table for him.

He got kind of mushy.

I almost ate him.

This guy who's in my play tryed to eat it but I slapped him with a shoe.

My friend tryed to eat him.

He has a face.

And he is the best and most awesome friendship orange ever.

He's a baby orange.

That was the short version. The long version is about four hours long.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

I'm very annoyed.

It's my nature to want to be a likable person. I naturally take this out on my blog, by asking for followers. Sorry.

I have stopped doing this because Kat posted a removed comment.

So I have chosen to ignore my blog now. Bye.

I can't really think of a title for this post.

I'm annoyed by the new Harry Potter movies. I love everything about Harry Potter, but this...

The guy who plays Ron (I know his name, I just can't spell it. K? K. Good? Good.) I like his acting, but after watching A Very Potter Musical, I can't imagine anyone playing Ron other than the dude in the play. And the guy on screen is just so not RON!!!!!! The person who plays Hermione (again with name knowing) is just...not Hermione enough. Sorry.

So it appears that, in  my haste to post, as I haven't for nine days, I wrote about the best book series. in the history of the world. In my opinion.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

HAPPY 2011!

One year until death. Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.